Moms Working Overtime
Moms Working Overtime is the community of women you've been searching to find for SO long. In this season of motherhood, each and every one of us clocks "overtime" hours, showing up the best we can for our family. These seemingly small things are what actually make the biggest impact on our children...and even though they may leave us completely exhausted, they pay time and a half - meaning the return on our investment is far greater than we could ever imagine! We bring together moms in waiting, stay-at-home moms, working moms, brand new moms, and the moms who have just a little bit more experience than the rest of us! Join in for laughs, support, encouragement, and validation of all things motherhood.
Moms Working Overtime
Pep Talk: The Mom Bod
With warmer weather approaching, lots of moms start to worry about getting our summer body ready for shorts, tank tops, and swimsuit season. We start to get self-conscious about how we've "bounced back" from the season of motherhood we're in, or whether or not we hit our goal weight on the scale.
While I'm a total advocate for prioritizing your health in motherhood and I think this is important, I also believe we should find joy in every season of this journey. After two babies in two years, I'm not feeling super confident heading in to "hot mom summer." But that isn't going to keep me from doing hot mom summer things with my kids.
When our kids look back at their lives, they won't remember what the scale said when you stepped on, your jean size, body fat percentage, how your shorts exposed your cellulite, or ANY of those other things we get caught up in as moms. They don't care. I promise.
But what they WILL remember if we were present, engaged, and how we speak about ourselves in these moments. It's not about how you look, but about how you show up for them. Today's pep talk is your reminder that you can't let fear of judgment about the way you look be the reason you don't make great memories with your kids this summer.
Let's connect on social media! Send me your thoughts to https://www.instagram.com/alanna.hellman/ or https://www.instagram.com/momsworkingovertime/. I'd love to get to know you better!
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You can always find more information at www.momsworkingovertime.com.
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