Moms Working Overtime
Moms Working Overtime is the community of women you've been searching to find for SO long. In this season of motherhood, each and every one of us clocks "overtime" hours, showing up the best we can for our family. These seemingly small things are what actually make the biggest impact on our children...and even though they may leave us completely exhausted, they pay time and a half - meaning the return on our investment is far greater than we could ever imagine! We bring together moms in waiting, stay-at-home moms, working moms, brand new moms, and the moms who have just a little bit more experience than the rest of us! Join in for laughs, support, encouragement, and validation of all things motherhood.
Moms Working Overtime
Pep Talk: Grace
We're often our own harshest critics in motherhood.
In this episode, I challenge your perspective and give you 3 action steps to help overcome those moments in motherhood when we feel like we're failing.
We have to learn to start speaking to ourselves the way we would to a friend when she shares her struggles. Because as moms, we juggle so many things at once and it was never intended to be perfect.
You think you're failing, but the reality is that you're a total rockstar. You just don't realize it.
You're doing a really amazing job, mama. I hope this episode reminds you of that!
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