Moms Working Overtime
Moms Working Overtime is the community of women you've been searching to find for SO long. In this season of motherhood, each and every one of us clocks "overtime" hours, showing up the best we can for our family. These seemingly small things are what actually make the biggest impact on our children...and even though they may leave us completely exhausted, they pay time and a half - meaning the return on our investment is far greater than we could ever imagine! We bring together moms in waiting, stay-at-home moms, working moms, brand new moms, and the moms who have just a little bit more experience than the rest of us! Join in for laughs, support, encouragement, and validation of all things motherhood.
Moms Working Overtime
Pep Talk: What She Doesn't Show
How often do we make a post on social media, showing off some cherished family photos or bragging on a child's accomplishments, only to revisit the post a handful of times or more to see how many likes or comments it received? Social media has conditioned us to be a "gold star" society and now we're addicted to sharing details of our lives that others will clap for...almost as validation that "hey, you're a great mom!"
But on the flip side, we are constantly scrolling past the accomplishments of our friends (acquaintances) and their children. And sometimes this leaves us feeling like..."what am I doing wrong?"
We have to bring ourselves back to reality. As moms, we want to highlight the good. We want to brag on our kids. And genuinely, we want to celebrate the accomplishments of our friends' children! But it doesn't tell the whole story and can leave us feeling less than.
Sometimes we need a pep talk to remind us to do a reality check with ourselves. We are never alone on this journey and every mom has her share of struggles. Every child has their share of obstacles that their mama fights alongside them. Every family has growing pains and conflict every once in a while.
Just because everyone is smiling and looks well put together in the family photo on your social media feed does NOT mean things are perfect and is not the standard you should judge yourself against.
I hope you love today's pep talk, mama!
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