Moms Working Overtime
Moms Working Overtime is the community of women you've been searching to find for SO long. In this season of motherhood, each and every one of us clocks "overtime" hours, showing up the best we can for our family. These seemingly small things are what actually make the biggest impact on our children...and even though they may leave us completely exhausted, they pay time and a half - meaning the return on our investment is far greater than we could ever imagine! We bring together moms in waiting, stay-at-home moms, working moms, brand new moms, and the moms who have just a little bit more experience than the rest of us! Join in for laughs, support, encouragement, and validation of all things motherhood.
Moms Working Overtime
Reclaiming Your Joy Through Rest in Motherhood with Certified Pediatric Sleep Coach, Mica Deshaw of "Rested Mama, Happy Baby Sleep Solutions"
As a mom, we're the thermostat for our family - how we show up and respond to each situation directly influences the way our family does as well. Motherhood can feel so heavy, and even more so when we're sleep deprived, burnt out, and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
My guest on today's podcast interview, Mica Deshaw, is a brilliant pediatric sleep coach who GETS IT. We have both had our fair share of sleep deprivation and we've been where so many moms are at when it comes to infant and toddler sleep. But it doesn't have to be this way!
So often, we accept sleep deprivation as the norm. As if it's a non-negotiable component of motherhood that you have to endure, like it or not. That's so far from the truth.
Mica speaks all about what sleep training actually is, their signature method at Rested Mama, Happy Baby, how quality sleep can more positively impact both mom AND baby, and a huge opportunity for you to explore future career opportunities as a mom that support your ability to put your family first!
There's something for everyone in this episode and we know you'll love getting to know our new friend, Mica.
Follow Rested Mama, Happy Baby on social media:
@restedmamaacademy and @rested_mama_happy_baby
Check out this FREE training:
How to Help Your Child Sleep 10+ Hours in 3-5 Nights…Without Cry-It-Out
Become a Sleep Coach through mentorship with Mica and Chelsae!
The Process of Creating a Consistent Income Without Sacrificing Motherhood…as a Pediatric Sleep Coach
Let's connect on social media! Send me your thoughts to https://www.instagram.com/alanna.hellman/ or https://www.instagram.com/momsworkingovertime/. I'd love to get to know you better!
Join the MWO Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/momsworkingovertime
You can always find more information at www.momsworkingovertime.com.
Try Earthley Wellness: https://earthley.com/ref/alannahellman/?campaign=MWO%20Podcast
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